Interested in joining Mensa? You can become a member of American Mensa in one of two ways:

If you're age 14 or older, you can take a supervised, standardized test in the Lehigh Pocono area with one of our certified exam proctors. The test takes approximately two hours to complete. All upcoming test dates will be posted to our calendar. Feel free to contact us if you'd like to be added to the list for our next testing session!

Anyone can submit evidence of prior testing in the form of scores from a supervised, standardized test like the Stanford Binet, the Miller Analogies Test or the GMAT. Check the list of qualifying tests and scores here!
In either case, if you've scored in the top 2 percent, you'll qualify for membership in American Mensa.

Wondering if you'll qualify, or not sure if you want to take the plunge? The optional Mensa Home Test is designed to give you an understanding of what to expect from the official membership test.
If you are a former member of American Mensa and are currently living in the United States or its protectorates, you do not have to requalify for membership. You can simply reinstate your membership.